Tuina is an ancient modality of Traditional Chinese Medicine which has been practiced in China for over 4,000 years. It is used to treat conditions that in western medicine ordinarily would require a physiotherapist, chiropractor and an osteopath. TCM views disease as an imbalance in the flow of Qi ( vital energy). When your Qi flow is balanced you feel energetic which affects your emotional, intellectual, spiritual and physical well being.
Tuina also include osteopathy, for treatment like disc hernia, it’s good to combine Tuina with acupuncture, we use Tuina to relax the muscle by using the osteopathy skills to straight the disc before we apply the acupuncture therapy, Acupuncture and Tuina therapy are the alternative choice for those disc hernia patients who don’t want surgery.
Baby Tui Na Chinese Massage or Pediatrics Tui Na is a branch of traditional Chinese Medicine and was developed from Tui Na for adults over a thousand years ago. It has been practiced in China for at least 700 years and experience has revealed unique ways and means of affecting the energy flow in the bodies of young children.
illnesses are the result of disturbance to the normal flow of Qi. Tui Na can restore this flow to treat the most common health problems of young children: Teething, Colic, Restlessness, Bedwetting, Colds, Convulsions etc…